
     My life has been full of change and adventure. My dad always exposed us to the outdoors through camping, hunting, fishing, foraging, and gardening. He also moved us around quite a bit out of necessity for our well being. When I was a child I thought constant change was a curse, until I learned to embrace it. Now that I am older I crave change and adventure and the ability to choose which direction my life goes in. At 24 years old I finally discovered the power of choice and positive manifestation when Ty and I decided to leave southern California behind and hitchhike around for three months heading ultimately to New Mexico and to my family. So in a way my own life experiences have been an inspiration for my travels. It all has just kinda lead up to this point.
     Other travelers have also been an inspiration to me through their writings. By sharing their stories, they helped me realize that it is possible to live outside the box. Some of these inspirations include 

Jack Kerauc author of  "On the Road" and "Dharma Bums"

Chris McCandless from the book and movie "Into the Wild"

Fellow blogger Rob who made me realize that a lifestyle of travel and wilderness living was actually possible.
Thank you for sharing and documenting your experiences Rob.
He is the author of the following inspiring blogs:

More recently I have been inspired by David Korn through his blog "Moments of Clarity are Not Answers" at 
Dave has mastered the art of positive manifestation through his travels and has been kind enough to share his most intimate experiences on the road.

I have also been inspired by my friends Justin and Jenelle Ayers, who packed up and left their comforts of home to backpack through Europe. They are now living free out of their van in San Fran.

Last but not least my partner Tieas has been my greatest inspiration by showing me first hand the power of self manifestation and by being by my side through this soul quest.

I hope to give back and inspire others to travel and to follow their dreams through writing this blog.

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