Friday, May 17, 2013

Family and Fun in some California Sun

  California has been a gem for us.  We've spent two weeks with my parents and brother up in Lucerne Valley, who opened their home for us and fed us very well; Lemon Chicken, Spicy Pork Burrito's, and a night at Buffalo Wild Wings, where we shared fifty boneless chicken wings, which came with a delicious and truly sweat inspiring Blazing and Mango Habenero sauce.  It's great to fatten up again before we head north.

  My folks let us use their place as a great base camp, we met up with an old and good friend Katrina, and her boy Damien, and we all went to Big Bear on a nice hike to see one of the largest Lodge Pole Pine Tree's in the world, and to enjoy an afternoon picnic.  We also made it down to Huntington Beach to visit another friend for the day, Tina had opened her door's to us and we had a great time seeing her again. I made animal balloons on the Boardwalk, made about twenty dollars in all, while Shawna, Denton and the pups went down to the Dog Beach, where Maia jumped right into the ocean, so that some waves crashed over her, and yet she wasn't afraid at all, even though it was her first time.

  Of course we had to go to our favorite place, the very place where Shawna and I first fell in love four plus years ago... the beautiful oasis of Deep Creek Hot Springs, located outside of Apple Valley, Ca., a short hop away from where my dad lives.  We spent Cinco de Mayo weekend there inadvertently, not realizing it was a holiday weekend, and were surprised to find at least sixty people there at one time.  Luckily Deep Creek has nine separate pools, four of which have been recently added since last we were there over three years prior, and we felt a bit over crowded, though there was enough space to accommodate everyone, and over all the energy was fairly calm.

  We next went to visit Shawna's family in the mountains of North County San Diego, in the small town of Julian.  Their home is way up a winding dirt road, and offers a spectacular view of the sunsets.  We stayed for a couple of days, were we were plied with more delicious food and great company.  We went to a local park and a lot of Shawna's cousins and relatives came to visit. Including the kids, there were about twenty of us there, and I entertained with animal balloons and juggling, Shawna busted out some of her awesome Hoola- Hooping skills, and we all in general had a fun day eating and playing in the California sun.  It was great to meet so much of Shawna's family, a special thank you to Aunt Sherry for making it all possible.

  After two weeks of sitting around and visiting, we were ready to head north. We made our salutations, and  they wished us luck as we headed North, to Remington Hot Springs.  This was our first time there, and we marveled at the work put into the five pools.  The Main three pools were right on the river's edge and inlaid with polished semi precious stones and varied in temperature from 96- 104 degree's, and were crafted with evident love by the locals.  There is also one natural pool and a small one person pool, both cooler temperatures.  We camped there for two nights, hiked around the area, found some cool stone formations in hollowed out rocks and even a California Sycamore tree, that had been converted into a nifty stone chair.  In a moment of randomness, Denton noticed a rock and turned it over to find a mandala drawn on it, and the next one when turned also had a different mandala.  We left them face down, as we found them.

  This morning, we decided to pack out of there, for the weekend crowd would surely drive us crazy.  Last night, we saw a train of teens hiking to the springs, and there were at least twenty people down there.  Sadly, we found lots of trash left behind too, some glass on the trails as well as nails, and for some reason we felt that people were lacking of that kindred connection that strangers experience so often while enjoying such beauty.  In all, I think it was the best hot pool construction I have yet to see, though the proximity to the city draws an ever larger and less respectful crowd.

  We are now headed towards Mammoth and Bishop area, for you have guessed it... more hot springs!  We will keep you all posted, and all five of us send our love as we continue our adventure northwards.

  Truthfully yours... Tieas and the Gang :)

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu


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